Oct 13, 2011

D.N.A. - To Whom It May Concern

For those of you that don't know, I spent most of my life in the city of El Paso, Texas. The Hip Hop music scene in El Paso...isn't that great. I'm not sure if it's the same way in different cities, but El Paso is notoriously trendy and everyone there loves to rap like they're Drake or some other hot new "rapper". There's absolutely no identity within the music. I've been waiting for someone or a group to come out of that city and shine in a different way. Looks like D.N.A. might be that answer. Anyways, I'll let them introduce themselves. You can download their mixtape, To Whom It May Concern, there at the bottom. Also, there's a track for you guys to listen.

"D.N.A. (Diverse and Artistic, Derrell ‘N’ Andy) is a duo of musically inclined artists also part of the team “The Rare Individuals”, which include Lavell Jones and Joshua Brown. Derrell and Andy C met back in High School they’re Freshman year and been riding ever since. They made the move to Orlando FL, in the summer of 09’ to pursue music. While living in Orlando, the two of them worked on their soon to be released project “Too Whom It May Concern”. Music isn’t just a hobby to them, music is something they feel they were put on this earth to do."

Download: To Whom It May Concern (Mixtape)

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